EZGenerator is an easy and affordable solution that allows anyone to create a high quality and good looking web site in no time. EZGenerator uses WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) and requires no technical skills, works without special scripts and is not limited to proprietary hosting services (in other words, the resulting website can be hosted anywhere).
Changes in version [07-03-2008]
(update) innova editor update : OEP : ezgenerator text styles added, save button is moved from toolbar to the bottom of screen, formatting changes (attempt to make innova wisiwyg)
some of the changes also affect blog, pblog, calendar..
(fix) bullets in old template on footer not parsed correctly for pages in root
(fix) blog/pblog quotes in title incorrectly encoded
(fix) shop --> parsing of shop_cartprice variable in admin screen
(fix) (default) login page start page id not parsed if not assigned by user
(added) event manager --> option to show event atendees on front page, option to post non EM event in calendar
(added) Central admin : Edit profile option (for ca users)
Changes in version [07-03-2008]
(update) innova editor update : OEP : ezgenerator text styles added, save button is moved from toolbar to the bottom of screen, formatting changes (attempt to make innova wisiwyg)
some of the changes also affect blog, pblog, calendar..
(fix) bullets in old template on footer not parsed correctly for pages in root
(fix) blog/pblog quotes in title incorrectly encoded
(fix) shop --> parsing of shop_cartprice variable in admin screen
(fix) (default) login page start page id not parsed if not assigned by user
(added) event manager --> option to show event atendees on front page, option to post non EM event in calendar
(added) Central admin : Edit profile option (for ca users)